As of 1 July 2018, our business trading name changed from Computer Site Solutions to Contracting Site Solutions (CSS).

There has been no change in ownership, management, ABN/ACN nor range of products and services offered. This name change is simply to better communicate our offerings as our business has evolved over the years.

Contracting Site Solutions has a long history, with origins as the iconic Fricker Brothers building business, which was responsible for the construction of many significant buildings around Adelaide, including the MLC building on Victoria Square (now Beacon House).

While Fricker Brothers building business was established earlier, in 1921 they were foundation members of Master Builders SA, and this membership is still maintained by CSS today.

Always innovative and moving with the times, in 1960, Fricker Brothers added a structural steel section to their business.

In 1983 the management team recognised the requirements of new technologies and so pivoted the business again, becoming Computer Site Services (then Solutions), focusing their skills on the design and construct of data centres and mission critical equipment.

Our directors, Mike Lockett and Brendan McColl.

Since this time we have maintained a breadth of commercial contracting skills, including:

Our new name better represents this offering as a trusted contractor, and we are excited to embark upon this new era of our business.

If you have any queries about this change, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Read more about our company here.

See all of our commercial contracting services here.


Photo above: Fricker Brothers working on the Holden site at Elizabeth, South Australia in the 1960s.