CSS attending industry conferences

We are looking forward to attending a couple of industry conferences this month.

Firstly, we will be attending the Data Center Dynamics DCD Converged Conference in Melbourne on 21 June 2016. Data centres are where CSS first started, and although our business has grown beyond this, they are still an important area for us, especially as their requirements and functions grow and change.

The evolution of the data center industry with the disruption of Cloud, the Internet of Things, and big data has led to significant growth and potential for even a mature market like Australia.

It is estimated that the development of colocation and outsourcing will grow at an estimated annual rate of 8.9% and 10.6% in terms of white space and end-user investment respectively, from 2014 to 2020.

Major projects in Australia are and will be the construction of shared and cloud facilities, and this trend will increase once the National Broadband Network (NBN) rollout is finished and Australia has the necessary digital backbone for full community and business engagement with the Internet. – DCD Intelligence

Returning for its 7th year, refreshed and better than ever, DCD’s annual Australia event will include thought-leading content across new conference tracks, data center tours, private roundtable discussions, and more networking activities in pursuit of excellence and high-level conversations for the carefully selected audience of 400 top data center and IT professionals.

Read more on the DCD Converged website.


We are proud sponsors of the Local Government Information Technology South Australia group (LGITSA) and as such will be attending their Annual Conference in Adelaide on Thursday 23 and Friday 24 June 2016.

Strong_TogetherIn addition to the formal presentations and sessions providing industry information and insights, the conference will bring together Local Government IT and IM professionals to connect and discuss ideas and issues.

The conference also includes the Gala Awards, recognising leading people and projects in South Australian Local Government IT.


We look forward to sharing updates from both of these conferences.

Be sure to follow our LinkedIn and Twitter accounts to be updated.