Project Case Study: City of Burnside Backup Power Diesel Generator
Date: June 2016City-of-Burnside-case-study-logo
Services: Back Up Power Diesel Generator
Location: Greenhill Road, Tusmore, South Australia

The City of Burnside’s Civic Centre, Council Chambers, Burnside Community Centre, Ballroom and Library are all located in the one location on Greenhill Road in Tusmore, South Australia.

While the server room and communications cabinet are covered by an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), which remain as is, the City of Burnside wanted the ability to continue providing services to the local council area residents at all times, even during extended power outages.

CSS reviewed their situation and prepared some solutions to cover various levels of power requirements:

  1. Essential
  2. Preferred
  3. Optional

The City of Burnside opted for a cost effective solution that would cover all 3 levels of their essential back up power requirements, and also factoring in some ability to add to the system as needs grow.

Our approach recommended use of a GP115SDM Duetz silenced diesel generator. Due to its location, we also included an exhaust extension to remove exhaust gasses, and to further prevent noise to the surrounding offices, and nearby hall that is used for events and activities.

The main area to be covered for essential back up power was located in the original part of the council building. Being a very old building, the existing circuits and switches had to be reviewed, and in some areas we found crossed circuits that had to be re-cabled and some old light fittings replaced, due to the requirement for RCD’s (residual current device) to be used on any new or altered circuits.

During the installation process, the City of Burnside identified some additional items to be covered by the generator, which were easily integrated into the plan as we had allowed room for growth.

Upon completion, the handover test provided a dry run of a power outage situation. When the power goes out, the system allows a brief wait for possible power to return. If it doesn’t, the generator automatically starts and transfers to the load, providing electricity to the designated essential items.

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The diesel generator is contained within an acoustic canopy with integrated 600L diesel fuel tank, which provides power for 30 continuous hours at 75% load. Our handover test saw the generator working at 25% of its capacity, handling all of the current essential load requirements with ease.

This means that the City of Burnside are more than able to cover their goal of continuing to provide services to local residents at the Civic Centre.

If you would like to know more about this project, any others, or discuss your critical electricity requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact us.